About Us

What is AAUW?

American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a nationwide network of more than 170,000 members and donors, 1,000 branches, and 800 college/university institution partners.  For 135 years, AAUW members have examined and taken positions on the state and federal public policies affecting women.

About Our Branch

    • Our Mission Statement:  AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.
    • The Ballwin-Chesterfield Branch is a nationally recognized major contributor to the AAUW Fund.
    • Ballwin-Chesterfield has funded two Research and Projects Grants, and awards scholarships to local mature women returning to their undergraduate degree programs after time away from school. 
    • AAUW is involved in fundamental issues of the day — educational, social, economic, and political (but never partisan!).  Our commitment to our mission is reflected in all aspects of our work. 
    • Our branch was founded in 1981.  Read about our branch’s history here. 
    • AAUW Ballwin-Chesterfield is a member of the Metropolitan St. Louis Inter-Branch Council.

AAUW Core Values involved when considering support are:

    • Nonpartisan,
    • Fact based, and
    • focused upon Integrity, Inclusion & Intersectionality.

Visit the National Website and the State website.