Dollars for Scholars Fundraisers

 Scroll down to learn about how our Branch raises funds for scholarships and to become a sponsor.

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Members, please consider sponsoring a Dollars for Scholars event to help fund our important mission of funding scholarships.  Or, honor a friend or loved one with a donation to the DFS Honor Roll.  

Upcoming Dollars For Scholars Events


Date has been rescheduled for Friday, February 28   11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.  Clark Family Library, 1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd.    (Plenty of parking and an elevator in the building)
Cost:  $10 for DFS.  Optional lunch at Brio’s following the tour.
The Clark Family Branch is a 74,000. ft., two-story library that opened to the public on July 9, 2024.   It features a browsing collection,  art from the Kranzberg Arts Foundation, children and teen areas, a business center, outdoor reading deck, a recording studio, and a video game room.  Brent Trout from the History and Genealogy department will lead our tour.  He will demonstrate how to use the new Memory Lab; it is free to use with staff available to assist patrons on how to digitize photographs, videos, and audio formats to a flash drive.  For more information, contact Carol Anthony.


Previous Dollars for Scholars Activities



Janet Sloey hosted an excellent and well-attended event!  Seventeen attended for the 1 1/2 hour class.  Tai chi DFS teacher Janet Sloey demonstrated eight Pieces of the Brocade traditional exercises in tai chi, a Chinese medical qigong set that is designed to improve health.  Participants learned by doing the steps.   Janet also demonstrated the fan and the sword tai chi.


Year Two for Dollars for Scholars Honor Roll

“In Honor of”   OR   “In Memory of”

Celebrate a friend’s or family member’s special achievement, milestone, birthday or other significant event by making a donation to the DFS Honor Roll.  Your honoree will receive a personalized acknowledgement postcard, and their name will be listed in the next Branching Out Newsletter.  Mail check to Jean Light, write Honor Roll on memo, and email Nancy Pierson the name and address of your honoree.  To donate in memory of a loved one, email Nancy name/address to whom the acknowledgement postcard may be sent.  Contributions to DFS are not tax deductible.


Donate current books in good condition (published in the last 5 years) and hardback and oversized paperbacks to garner the most money.  We know there may be exceptions (for example, tried and true classics), but, in general, please use the 5-year guideline. Do not donate textbooks.  We will accept books (both children and adults), DVD’s, and puzzle

Please limit your donations to 10 items.  We plan to hold the book sale at most branch meetings this year, so you will have multiple chances to donate your books – and to purchase new ones!

The book sale will be held only if we have an in-person meeting.  Questions? Contact Mary Kay Wolfe.

Our Branch’s Original Fundraising Idea

  • DFS events raise funds for scholarships, give members opportunities to meet in small groups for worthwhile experiences, and introduce AAUW to non-members.
  • Proceeds from DFS events support scholarships for local nontraditional women students.

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We are celebrating the 30+ year of  “Dollars for Scholars.”  In the summer of 1993, our branch, then approximately 85 members strong, was considering new ways to raise scholarship money.  “Dollars for Scholars” was the brainstorm of member Barb Smoltz.  The goals were to raise money for scholarships, give members an opportunity to interact in small group settings, provide new experiences for members, and to introduce AAUW to non-members.
Although some were concerned that we would not be able to think of enough activities, it was decided to give the program a try.  Twenty-nine years and countless varied activities later, a membership that today numbers around 250 is still brimming with ideas, and our goals have remained constant.  Each time members sponsor or participate in an activity, they are saying YES to education and educational equity for women and girls.


It is very easy to sponsor an event!  We are planning ahead for when we can safely gather once again.

  • Look at some of the trips from past years for ideas, such as special exhibits at the St. Louis Art Museum, visits to historic homes, or a trip to the Churchill Museum in Fulton. Trips can be repeated.
  • Remember that spouses and friends are welcome to join in DFS events.
  • We always need new people to sponsor events. Team up with a friend or two to sponsor an event.

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Mission Statement:  AAUW Advances Gender Equity for Women and Girls through  Research, Education, and Advocacy.