LAST MEETING: January 9, 2025
Co-president Sage called the meeting to order with the Mission Statement. Co-president Carol said that our branch earned three stars as part of the AAUW Five Star Program. The February newsletter will feature the Five Star Program. She applauded the success of the Winter Party, the start of the B-C Boosters, and asked us to mark March 29 for the IBC luncheon where Jan Horner will be honored with a Barbara Lackritz award.
Finance Officer Jean reported a bank total of $31,523.78, including the CD which has matured. The CD will be renewed for another five months.
Public Policy Director Angie reported that the Public Policy Committee will review the proposed policy changes from national and that Marian will send a summary and suggestions for a branch response. The committee will be tracking the state legislative session’s bills that apply to AAUW’s priorities. See Public Policy page.
Winter Party Co-chair Marcia reported that the Winter Party netted $2,089.97 with “Elegant Edibles” raising almost $800.00. She told us that the Boosters will be collecting in February, March, and April at branch meetings. So far members have contributed $2,834 towards a goal of $6,000. A check may be sent to Linda Roberson.
Co-president Carol reviewed the DFS offerings in February. See below.
International Relations Chair Susie encouraged attending the first session, January 14. See Calendar.
Program Co-VP Kathy reported that the February presentation will be “The Impact of Domestic Violence on Our Community,” a change from the original topic.
Membership Co-VP Susie informed us that Alicia Ott has joined as a new member.
The business meeting closed with a request for no snow and a temperature of 75º from Jean. The program followed.
Program Co-VP Marcia introduced speaker, Joe Regenbogen. Joe Regenbogen is a retired award-winning high school history teacher who now spends his time writing books and helping care for his two granddaughters. His opinion pieces often appear on the Op-Ed page of the Post-Dispatch.
See full meeting minutes – January 2025
SPEAKER: Joe Regenbogen: Our Controversial Supreme Court, Past, Present, and Future. Mr. Regenbogen presented an engaging program titled “The US Supreme Court: Stepchild of the Federal Government.” He focused on four reasons it is so unpopular with a current approval rating of only 25%: The Constitution made it an afterthought; it has an uneven history; it has handed down some ’head-scratching’ decisions; the current composition is lop-sided. Co-president Sage may be able to make available a power-point of his presentation.
This presentation examined the reasons behind its periods of dysfunctionality and then offer some thoughts and ideas about what would improve its effectiveness within our system of checks and balances.
NEXT MEETING: Branch Meeting February 13, 2025 9:30-11:30 a.m.
By Sage Taber and Carol Anthony, Co-Presidents